Robbie Williams is at the helm. Nun will look again to see who the singer with Sandra Maischberger will be.

Robbie Williams (50) Will nicht, dass seine Kinder den neuen Film über sein Live see. “Better man – Die Robbie Williams Story” started on 2. January in the German Kinos. Non-war Williams in Sandra Maischberger’s (58) TV program “Maischberger” im Ersten zu Gast. There is no word on the film’s themes Selbstzweifel and mental problems that arise Family life.

Seine vier Kinder sollten “Better Man” eigentlich nicht sehen, verriet Williams. That zölfjährige Tochter Teddy habe den Film aber secretive. Der Sänger fügte über sein ältestes Kind hinzu: “Teddy is the only one who was really happy. Tatsächlich did not fall anymore, if I wanted you to. It is shocking.” Much has been learned, it is your attention. “It’s a good thing Antwerp geben”, it is in its entirety, “aber naturel hört si nicht auf mich.” Nach dem Film is one of the best things that is said and said in its entirety: “Jetzt verstehe ich es.”

“I had no special perspectives”

Auf die Frage, ob er es gutheißen würde, wenn seine Tochter – who is there Take that – with 16 parts of a band that is wolle, Robbie Williams says: “Ich weiß es nicht”, says one fugte hindzu, the installation of the blessing is still not diesel as his damals. It has been found: “16 years is a bisschen zu young”.

If the band is pointed out “some way or another”, “they are more modest than they can be.” More information from the singer: “I have a reading-right song. I have a RechenstorungI have all the meinen Prüfungen plainly speaking. I have no idea Zukunftperspectief.” Seine Tochter aber sei “ein Nepo-Baby”. Sie habe die Wahl zu entscheiden, was sie möchte. glücklichThat’s what Möglichkeiten has, that I don’t hate.”

Robbie Williams wide as Af Dargestellt

Robbie Williams I think I’m a “Better Man” and the spirit is like that, that’s now a movie being made in its entirety, who Maischberger is a different person. The film is based on the times History “the comets that emerge, the dramatic waterfalls and the brand names that produce Britain’s pop superstars” is a fact.

Under der Direction von Michael Gracey (“Greatest Showman”) with the film from Williams’ Perspective erzählt, von der Kindheit über das jüngste Mitglied der Boy band Take that bis zu seinen beispielosen Erfolgen als Solokünstler.

The British singer stars in the film of Schauspieler Jonno Davies (32) in Form eines Aff compacted. Während Davies in the role of the young Robbie schlüpft, is the singer in the voice-over that he hears and narrates the entire version that he himself has.

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